Field Team
The SNAP Field Team focuses their efforts on restoring and enhancing Surrey's urban forest. Through habitat restoration, garbage and refuse removal, biodiversity monitoring projects, and shade tree base maintenance, the team supports and strengthens the ecological integrity of ecosystems in Surrey! Two major components of the Field Team's work include habitat restoration and shade tree maintenance.
Habitat restoration is the process of restoring, maintaining or enhancing the ecological integrity and functioning of a natural area. The Field Team removes invasive plants that outcompete our native plants, and reduce biodiversity and ecological benefits. After removing invasive plants, the team plants native trees and shrubs to restore the site.
Shade trees provide social, environmental and economic benefits for our community. Trees reduce storm water impacts and energy costs, improve air and water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and have been linked to the improved overall health of people. The Field Team cares for Surrey’s shade trees by removing weeds and mulching tree wells.
Urban Forest Outreach Team
​The SNAP Urban Forest Outreach team raises awareness and promotes stewardship of Surrey's urban forests (including forested areas in parks and stand-alone park/boulevard trees), and fosters a sense of community connection with nature.
SNAP hosts tents in Surrey's parks to provide nature interpretation and information about parks and City services. Look out for the green SNAP tent at the next park you visit or follow us on Instagram to see where they will be next!
The team also provides free, inclusive and low-barrier programming opportunities to the public, organizes and hosts community events, attends large-scale public events, and works to create engaging and informative social media content. The Urban Forest Outreach Team maintains a presence in Surrey parks by roving in parks where they interact with park users, pick up garbage, and foster connections with nature. SNAP acts as positive educators on how to maintain our parks' beauty and appreciate the value and benefits they provide.